Why work with a Trainer?

Sometimes I get asked why people need to work with a trainer? There is so much information on the internet and social media in relation to training and getting results.  Yes, some people can get great results training using techniques and programs they saw on youtube and read about in the latest Mens Fitness.

But what most people don’t know is the programs you see in those magazines or the Instagram accounts are specifically designed for athletes at a certain period of time in their training schedule. “8 Weeks to look like Chris Hemsworth from Thor” won’t work if you are starting from a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

This is where having a trainer comes in handy. Whether you see them once a week for some programming and some technical assistance or you see them five times a week for constant motivation and guidance. They are pivotal in helping you reach your goals.


7 Reasons why you should have a Trainer: 

  1. Motivation: We all know the feeling of being so motivated and to get fit and healthy. It strikes usually straight after seeing a particularly unflattering photograph, or the impending thought of being in bathers in summer. And we also know the feeling of this motivation running away just like the perspiration after countless hours plodding away aimlessly on a treadmill. This is where a trainer comes in, trainers are the perfect way to stay motivated, they keep sessions varied and interesting and keep your interest at an all time high. They have the ability to set short and long term goals that make you feel like you are progressing each and every session.
  2. Accountability: That feeling of guilt after eating a whole large pizza is not too bad, but having to admit that to a trainer who has structured a specific eating plan and workout schedule to help you achieve your goals is a whole lot worse. A good trainer will offer certain points of analysis to see where you are progressing and what steps you need to take to achieve those goals. An even better trainer will offer a nutrition plan that will allow you to eat the foods you love in moderation which will increase the effectiveness of the plan!
  3. Individualised Programming: The programs you see in Mens Health magazine or on Instagram are good for those specific athletes, why? Because they have been designed with that individual athlete in mind. Their strengths, weaknesses, injuries and special conditions have all been taken into account and a program had been moulded around them. You as an athlete need to consider that a trainer will assess where you need to improve and specifically design a well rounded program to get you there. There is no one size fits all programming, and if there is someone is about to make a whole lot of money selling it! consider your injuries, conditions and limitations and think about how a program could be designed to make you the best athlete you could be.
  4. Technical Skills: A good trainer will equip you with the right skills to enable you to train outside of your sessions with them. They will enable you to perfectly execute technical skills that will enable you to develop muscular adaptations through lifting and metabolic conditioning sessions.
  5. Wealth Of Knowledge: A good trainer never stops learning. They are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves as coaches and their athletes. Trust in your trainer as this is what they have devoted their lives to doing. Improving athletes and enabling them to perform at their best. Trainers really do get a kick out of seeing improvement in their athletes, whether it is through mobility, strength or conditioning.
  6. Safety: How many times have you looked around your gym and seen some lunatic attempting something that looks like it is about to cause some serious damage to themselves and maybe other people around the gym? a good trainer will educate you on how to execute techniques safely and not injure yourself. A trainer wants to see you become the best athlete you can and not become injured!
  7. Efficiency: Ever see the guys at the gym do a set and sit on their phones for twenty minutes and then do another set. A trainer will keep you on a strict rest period to increase the efficiency of your workout. A trainer will enable you to fit into an hour session what would normally fit into two hours.

If you or your friends or family are interested in starting your health journey. Dont hesitate to get in contact with me at rob@crossfit25.com.au
