
In a world of instant gratification, fitness and hard work has kind of been thrown to the wayside. Time is valuable, I completely understand that, but when did we start to value our time over our health?

Fast food, fast cash, get fit fast. All of these have something in common, time.

We have become so obsessed with everything happening right here and right now, we have forgotten about the hard work and dedication that is required to obtain some of these things.

So my challenge is to you, one hour every day for four weeks (28 days) do some physical activity. It could be playing with your kids, it could be a nice walk with some friends, it could be a rage filled boxing bag session, anything to raise your heart rate and get a
good sweat on! One hour is only 4% of your day, and I promise you that investment will be worth it in the long run.

I will be posting mini workouts and nutrition hints and tips on this page so keep a look out!

If you want an individualised program and training please don’t hesitate to contact me at rob@crossfit25.com.au




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